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This vegetable is very useful

This vegetable is very useful

This vegetable is very useful. It is rich in iron, like garlic, and is used to treat many diseases. It is rich in iodine, like cabbage, and useful substances that stimulate metabolism.You guessed it — this is beetroot, rich in minerals, potassium, folic acid, copper, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, iron and more.

Beetroot protects the heart from many diseases, enriches bones with magnesium, participates in the process of biosynthesis of thyroid hormones and generally increases energy levels.

Recipe: — 2-3 beets, — 2 onions, — vinegar, — olive oil, — salt.

Peel the beets and cook in water with salt. Cut into small pieces. Finely chop the onion, add it to the beetroot along with vinegar, oil and salt. The salad is ready! This salad is useful for detoxifying the colon, cleansing the liver, and restoring vision.

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