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Types of fitness according to your age

Types of fitness according to your age

There is no doubt that physical education is useful for everyone, but you should practice wisely: the specifics and loads should be selected taking into account your age.

5 — 18 years old

This is a period of hormonal changes, active growth and development of the body. The main thing at this time is not just to direct growth in the right direction, but also to develop a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Ideally, the child should practice the chosen type of physical education every day for at least an hour. The more, the better, for this reason, for about an hour more classes should be in a state of physical activity, for example, a child can play outside, walk and much more.

What kind of sport should I give my preference to? In the period from 5 to 10 years, the child's body has not yet been formed, for this reason, excessive loads can damage its subsequent development. For this reason, instead of strength exercises, suggest running, swimming, etc. This will help the child grow and prevent the formation of obesity. The best way to get a child to play sports is simply to buy him equipment.

Competitive sports will be appropriate for older children, and school can help them with this. But at the same time, parents should also serve as a role model for children, as multiple studies have shown, the more active the lifestyle of parents, the more their children love sports.

18 — 30 years old

At this age, it is easiest to keep yourself in good shape, because the metabolism actually works perfectly. Take advantage of youth, because when you are well over 30, you will no longer be able to spend a large amount of calories with little effort. Now is the best time to strengthen your own muscles and develop a habit of exercise.

You should practice at least half an hour five times a week. The best option is half an hour of light exercise every day, an hour of aerobics every other day, two forty-minute stretching sessions or several runs a week.

What kind of sport should I give my preference to? Jogging can be replaced by aerobics, swimming or cycling. Pilates or yoga classes will contribute to a good stretch. Walk as much as possible, get rid of the elevator.

30 — 40 years old

Without exercise, you will lose several percent of your muscle mass per year and spend a couple hundred calories a day less than before. In addition, bones and joints will begin to age, pain and discomfort will occur, and it will be much more difficult to recover from injuries.

You should practice for 4 hours a week. You can visit the gym and work out on simulators or purchase simple devices such as expanders, sports elastic bands, dumbbells. The main goal is resistance strength exercises. And remember about stretching, it should be given at least an hour a week.

What kind of sport should I give my preference to? The best way to preserve the grace and health of bones is to put stress on the skeleton and muscles. For this purpose, aerobics and weight training are good. For those who are oppressed by simulators, it is better to take up boxing.

40 — 50 years old

Bones suffer the most at this age, for the simple reason that tissues simply do not have time to renew, they degrade significantly faster than new cells are formed. Women, for example, lose about one percent of their bone mass every year before menopause begins, and after it begins, they begin to actively gain body fat due to hormonal failures. Systematic exercises will help mitigate these troubles.

You should practice about 4 hours a week. A few hours of strength training and an hour of stretching.

What kind of sport should I give my preference to? In order not to gain unnecessary weight, do aerobics, fitness or sports walking. Get a pedometer, you should walk about 16,000 steps every day, and preferably at a fast pace. If the health of the joints does not allow you such loads, go swimming or cycling. Several times a week, take 15 minutes to lift weights, so you will stop the loss of muscle mass.

50- 60 years old

After 50, people begin to lose about a hundred grams of muscle every year, and this applies to both men and women, but representatives of the stronger half of society naturally suffer more. The most unpleasant thing is that the loss of muscle mass is compensated by the acquisition of fat. These disorders lead to serious problems with the heart and vascular system, and the risk of diabetes significantly increases.

You should practice several hours a week, strength and cardio exercises and stretching.

What kind of sport should I give my preference to? Get involved in sports that are aimed at developing speed and endurance. Badminton, tennis, football are appropriate, because they train muscles, prevent the heart from aging and perfectly strengthen the skeleton. Exercises with the help of sports rubber bands and light dumbbells will best help maintain muscle tone.

From 60 years old

At this age, moisture loss reaches its peak, and joint protection fluid is no exception. «Drying out», tissues become weaker and more susceptible to damage, and bones rub against each other, causing pain. In addition, by the age of 80, about half of the muscles will remain, and therefore it will be much more difficult to exercise. Due to the loss of bone mass, you will become several centimeters shorter.

You should practice less intensively for about half an hour five times a week. because you have significantly less strength.

What kind of sport should I give my preference to? In order not to weaken weak joints, you should give your preference to swimming, so you will train your heart and strengthen your muscles without harm to your health. Diversity is naturally welcome. You should also try Pilates, which develops muscles due to its own body resistance, it is preferable to practice with a qualified trainer, since only he will be able to accurately determine the limits of possibilities. Be healthy at any age!

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