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Aerobics classes at home

Aerobics classes at home

A dozen years ago, many people had a vague idea about such a type of gymnastics as aerobics. Many people heard it, but not everyone understood the point. Currently, no one is surprised by the picture when people in tight tracksuits make certain rhythmic movements to music, but not everyone knows the subtleties of this type of gymnastics.

The word aerobics has the root aero, translated as air. This is exactly what explains such a concept as aerobic gymnastics, which is nothing more than a list of movements in which exercises related to breathing are intertwined with body movements. Important in aerobics exercises is the development of a competent breathing manner and the correctness of respiratory and motor movements.

In the process of performing aerobic exercises, lung ventilation increases and the skill of proper breathing is acquired during movement. It should be noted that in a calm state, the pulmonary ventilation of the human body does not exceed 6 liters per minute, and during aerobics classes, ventilation increases several times. These depend in particular on the type of movements and the tempo of performance.

Increased pulmonary ventilation has a very good effect on the enrichment of tissues with oxygen in the human body, because as a result of this enrichment, redox reactions take place more favorably.

Therefore, it is possible to consider aerobics classes at home, which provide an increase in the rhythm of breathing and activate the work of different muscles and lungs, as aerobic. Walking, jumping, jogging, swimming, athletic walking, skiing and even dancing are aerobic exercises.

When performing this kind of exercises, it is necessary to clearly combine the breathing process with body movements. When practicing aerobics, it is necessary for the coach to monitor the correctness of the movements and, accordingly, the correctness of breathing during the training. When doing aerobics at home, it is important to know that you need to inhale while squatting, and exhale while straightening up. In the same way, inhalation is performed when lifting the arms, as well as when spreading them apart, and accordingly exhalation is done when lowering them. The same applies to the legs. Inhale when lifting, and exhale when lowering. To control the quality of movements at home, it is better to use a large mirror when doing aerobics.

It is recommended to do aerobics exercises at home in different positions, using hand and foot movements. Each aerobics exercise at home should first be practiced and learned to perform it correctly, namely, to move and breathe correctly. At the initial stage, repeat each movement 3-5 times, then gradually increase the number to 10 repetitions.

It is not recommended to abuse aerobic exercises, since forced ventilation of the lungs affects the reduction of carbon dioxide in the human body. This also leads to a decrease in the tone of the respiratory apparatus and, as a result, dizziness, lethargy, weakness and nausea may occur.

Understanding the essence and benefits of aerobics, you should understand why every set of aerobic movements, whether it's shaping or just gymnastics, should definitely start classes with an aerobic complex.

With the help of aerobic exercises, you burn excess fats in the body. However, aerobics exercises at home cannot be considered as a means to combat excess weight. The changes taking place in the body as a result of exercise are hardly noticeable, but at the same time it allows you to keep yourself in good shape and do not allow fat to accumulate in problem areas of the body. Home aerobics is also aimed at maintaining a favorable well-being of a person and his tone. The main task of aerobics classes at home is to improve the health of the body. Aerobics classes at home can be recommended for the elderly and young, healthy and sick people. Anyone who wants to have a beautiful body shape and a healthy body should pay attention to aerobics classes.

Thus, during aerobics exercises at home, not only the respiratory process, lung ventilation, but also other muscles of the body are activated, as well as many capillaries open, the cross-section of blood vessels increases, and blood flow accelerates. Undoubtedly, venous blood circulation is stabilized, which has a good effect on the functioning of the abdominal organs and in particular the liver.

Regular exercises in gymnastics and aerobics can speed up the body's metabolic processes, even hormonal ones. Physiologists have long argued that physical exercise has a stable regulatory effect on the hormonal system of the human body. Exercises aimed at increasing endurance, such as prolonged running at a slow pace, stimulate the activity of the adrenal glands and pituitary gland, and also act on protein metabolism, as well as fat and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism. Hormones produced by the body prevent anti-inflammatory processes and have an effect on human mood.

Aerobics has an impact on the renewal of the human body and its functional improvement. Periodically doing aerobics, you will forget about the services of doctors, create the right daily routine, strengthen your health.

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